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small phone icon1-844-MYSQUID

How it works

Squid makes home automation easy with a simple four-step process that begins with a free consultation in the comfort of your home.

Consultation image

Step 1:

Squid offers a free in-home consultation where a specialist will take you through our range of products, learn about your needs, and propose solutions, all in less than an hour. We’ll discuss your lifestyle and budget, complete a needs assessment, show you the functionality and benefits of automation products, and provide a quote.

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Step 2:
Hardware Installation

Once you’ve solidified a plan to automate your home, agreeing on a design solution, pricing and integration requirements, verified by a technical specialist, Squid takes care that installation gets done easily, seamlessly and right. We only work with reputable partners. We want the installed solution to meet your expectations.

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Step 3:
Software Installation

We make sure you can control everything on your smart phone or tablet, and not with a bunch of different apps that don’t work together, but with as few as possible so that you can control your home simply.

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Step 4:
Education + Support

We work with you upon completion of installation, showing you how to do simple things, and continue to do so with the purchase of a support package, illustrating more complex capabilities like waking your house up in the morning or putting it to bed. You will have access to our support line for installation service support up to 90 days after installation is complete.

Want to see what Squid can do for you?

Free Consultation

Want to know how we can automate your home?
Call us at 1-844-MYSQUID